Petoi Coding Blocks

How to use the extension library specially developed for the Petoi robot in Mind+

Prepare Mind+

If you cannot download the software from Mind+'s official website, you can download a stable version from the Google Drive folder. However, we strongly recommend that you download and use the official latest version.

  • After the installation is complete, you can open Mind+

If the default installation language is Chinese, you can switch to English as follows:

Watch the video tutorials

We provide a series of video tutorials on using Petoi Coding Blocks with the free Scratch-like robotics coding curriculum. Be sure to click next to go through all the videos.

Prepare Petoi Robot

For the Bittle X, all functional blocks in Mind+ are supported by default. You can skip to the next section Import Petoi Mind+ extension library.


For Nyboard products (Nybble, Bittle), there are two ways to upload the firmware (Mind+ mode), which supports the Mind+ extension library:

  • Using the Petoi Desktop App

    • If you just downloaded a new version of this Desktop App. You should click the Upgrade the Firmware button. You can select 'N' to preserve the calibration values.

    • If you have upgraded the firmware at least once after a new download, You can click the Update the Mode Only button. It's faster to only switch the modes without refreshing the parameters.

  • Using the Arduino IDE Please download the latest code from GitHub. Follow the steps for uploading. Set up the configuration mode and activate this line of code in OpenCat.ino #define MAIN_SKETCH


    Then, upload the major functionalities sketch and power on the robot. Use the data cable and USB uploader to connect with the computer or the Bluetooth module and complete the pairing.

Note that the gyroscope function is turned off with the Mind+ mode on NyBoard to save memory space. The robot won't be able to self-balance and auto-recover.

If you don't use the "Read or Write analog/digital pin" function block, you can upload the Standard mode sketch for Bittle / Nybble and use the Mind+ extension library. Note:

When the robot is in Mind+ mode, the gyroscope function is turned off, and the robot cannot balance or auto-recover.

Connect method

  • Wired connection: The kit includes a USB Adapter and USB data cable connecting the robot's mainboard to the computer.

  • Wireless connection(Bluetooth): The kit includes a Bluetooth module connecting the robot's mainboard to the computer.


For BiBoard products (such as Bittle and Bittle X), there is no need to modify any software code. By default, all functional blocks in Mind+ are supported.

Connect method

  • Wired connection: The kit includes a USB Type-C data cable connecting the robot's mainboard to the computer.

  • Wireless connection(Bluetooth): The motherboard's built-in Bluetooth communication module allows you to establish a wireless connection between the robot motherboard and the computer.

Import Petoi Mind+ extension library

Paste the GitHub URL( in the text box of the import interface:

For macOS (<=V1.7.2 RC3.0), you need to download and copy the extracted folder (PetoiRobot) to /Users/{your username}/Documents/mindplus-py/environment/Python3.6.5-64/lib/python3.6/site-packages/

Programming and Running

Petoi Coding Blocks is a user-extended library of Mind+.

If you open Mind+ by double-clicking the code file(suffix mp or sb3) that uses this extension library or load these code files after opening Mind+, Mind+ will automatically load this extension library.

The principle and process

This extension library can control the robot without compiling and uploading the code to the robot's main board. Click the "Run" button directly to run the program on the Python level and send instructions to the robot's serial port. If you need to stop the program while running, you can click the "Stop" button anytime. The process of the program can be divided into three steps:

  1. Open the serial port

  2. Control the robot

  3. Close the serial port

The instructions for blocks

Open the serial port

There are two ways to open the serial port:

If it fails to open the serial port, you can refer to the printed information in the terminal window to replace the name of the serial port:

Deactivate Gyro

When the gyroscope function is turned on, the robot can balance its body in real-time. It may be seen that when the robot is doing preset actions (especially when performing more violent actions), the body will shake back and forth, and even the body will tip over. The robot will automatically perform recovery actions, which may disrupt your preset steps.

If the uploaded sketch is Mind+ mode sketch(#define GROVE_SERIAL_PASS_THROUGH this line is activated), the gyroscope function will be turned off, and the robot will not be able to balance or auto-recover, so there is no need to add this block.

If the robot is in standard mode, you'd better deactivate the Gyro after the serial port-opening block. It deactivates the gyroscope function to prevent the robot from performing balance feedback actions in real-time. For example:

Perform inherent skills

Use this block to let the robot perform skills pre-built on the robot's main board. Skills from "sit" to "zero" are postures (containing only one action frame). Skills from "boxing" to "sniff" are behaviors (containing multiple posture frames and are performed only once). Skills from "stepping" to "trotRight" are gaits (containing multiple posture frames, and are repeated in periodical loops until stopped).

After finishing the current block's task, the program will wait a short time (delay xx seconds) before moving to the next block.

Perform the last skill exported from the Skill Composer

Use this block to let the robot perform the last skill exported from the Skill Composer.

It is equivalent to inputting the serial command 'T' in the serial monitor and then delaying the preset time.

Perform the skill in the file

Use this block to let the robot perform the skill in the skill files, which are in the following directory:

  • Windows: C:\Users\{your user name}\.config\Petoi\SkillLibrary\{model}

  • MacOS : /Users/{your user name}/.config/Petoi/SkillLibrary/{model}

  • Linux: /home/{your user name}/.config/Petoi/SkillLibrary/{model}

The folder name {model} is Bittle or Nybble. When exporting a skill file from the Skill Composer, it will automatically save the skill file to this directory.

Tips: you can also copy & paste the SkillLibrary folder from the source code of the OpenCat project on GitHub to the .config/Petoi directory. Therefore, you can use some sample skills for your Mind+ program, and there is no need to use the export function in the Skill Composer.

The folder .config is a hidden directory on MacOS/Linux but can be visited in the terminal or through a specific view setting:

  • MacOS open the directory /Users/{username} in Finder, then press the “Command” + “Shift” + “.” (period) keys at the same time.

Rotate joints in a sequence.

Use this block to control one joint or multiple joints to rotate in sequence. There are several ways to use the blocks for reference:

  • Controls individual joint rotations to an absolute angle value.

  • Controls individual joint rotations to a relative angle value.

  • Control multiple joints to rotate sequentially to absolute angle values or relative angle values.

  • Use the joint angle list to control multiple joints to rotate to absolute angle values in a sequence.

Rotate joints simultaneously

Using this block can control multiple joints to rotate at the same time. There are several ways to use the blocks for reference:

  • Control multiple joints to rotate to absolute angle values or relative angle values at the same time

  • Use the joint angle list to control the simultaneous rotation of multiple joints to absolute angle values.

Get the current angle value of a joint.

Use this block to get the current angle value of the selected joint. It is recommended to assign it to a variable first and then use the variable and algorithm to control other joints to rotate.

The return value of this block is only an angle value, which cannot be filled in the "Turn sequentially" and "'Turn simultaneously" blocks alone.

Demo code:

Transform to frame

Use this block to control all joints to rotate at the same time. Please use it with the "Action frame" block. As shown below:

The "Action frame" block represents a list of 16 angle values. Each angle value corresponds to the absolute angle value to which the corresponding joint index servo rotates.

Play a melody

Use this block to control the robot to play music. There are several ways to use blocks together for reference:

  • A list made up of multiple "Tone + Duration" blocks

  • Using a tone duration list

Consists of one or more pairs of Tone + Duration, the specific format is as follows:

[tone, duration, tone, duration, tone, duration...]

Execute a serial command

Use this block to send a serial command to the robot, which can provide you with more and more flexible control methods. For example, you can input "kkcL" (kick the left front leg), and "khiR" (raise the right front leg to say hello). For more serial port commands, please refer to the serial protocol.

Write analog value

Use this block to write an analog value to a specified pin. Analog value range: 0~255

Read analog value

Use this block to read an analog value from a specified pin.

Write digital value

Use this block to write a high/low-level value to the specified pin. High-level: 1; Low-level: 0.

Read digital value

Use this block to read the high/low-level value of the specified pin.

Read Ultrasonic sensor distance

Use this block to read the distance value from the ultrasonic sensor.

For the Petoi RGB Ultrasonic Sensor (or RUS-04), you can set the two pins ( Trigger and Echo) like this:

  • NyBoard (connects to the D6 and D7 pins)

  • BiBoard (connects to the Rx and Tx pins)

For other ultrasonic sensor models (e.g., HC-SR04 connects to the D6 and D7 pins), you can set the two pins like this:

Close the serial port

Generally, at the end of the program, it is recommended to use this block to close the serial port communication.


We provide some demos to download for reference in the GitHub repository (Petoi_MindPlusLib/examples).

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