©️C++ API

How to use C++ to play with Nybble😼 or Bittle🐶

Use the library in your own project

The project is built as a dynamic library so that the program can easily link to it. The recommended practice to use the library is to clone it as a git submodule:

git submodule add https://github.com/PetoiCamp/opencat_serial_cpp opencat_serial

If you are using cmake, simply create a CMakeLists.txt file and link the library to your executable:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0.2)
option(CATKIN_ENABLE "Enable using the Catkin make extension to cmake (ie for ROS)" OFF)
add_executable(serial_examples path/to/cpp)
target_link_libraries(serial_examples opencat_serial)


Below is a very simple example on how to use the library.

#include "opencat_serial/opencat_serial.hpp"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // connect to the serial device
    OpenCat::Robot rob("/path/to/port");
    // create task
    OpenCat::Task task;
    // set command type to calibration pose
    task.command = OpenCat::Command::CALIB_POSE;
    // time delayed after execution
    task.delay = 2;
    // send command
    rob.SendTask({OpenCat::Command::CALIB_POSE, 2});
    return 0;

see examples for a more comprehensive example.

Free curricular

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#524: Add a demo in Melody Creation

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